Number Type Descriptions
The telephone_number_type column in your results details the type of number we have indentifed.
The following is a list of all possible responses found in the telephone_number_type column and their meaning.
BAD_FORMAT | The number you submitted to be checked could not be identified as a valid international telephone number |
MOBILE | A phone number assigned to a Mobile Telephone Operator / Cell Phone Operator |
LANDLINE | A fixed wired telephone in a fixed location such as home or office |
MOBILE_OR_LANDLINE | Where the telephone number could belong to either a mobile or landline type phone |
TOLL_FREE | Also called Freephone. The number can be called from within the home country at no cost. There may be a charge to call this number from outside the home country |
PREMIUM | There is a premium charge added to call this number, often there is a service provided on the number and by calling the number the user pays for the service using their telephone bill. The callee typically receives revenue from the call |
SHARED_COST | This telephone number will charge both the caller and callee at the same time. There will be an additional charge to call this type of number |
VOIP | Assigned to a VoIP provider who delivers calls and text messages over the internet to the end user or service |
STAGE_AND_SCREEN | Reserved by a regulatory body specifically for use with stage and screen for example used in films when speaking a telephone number. No real end user will be assigned to this number and often they are used as fictitious numbers |
PAGER | Allocated to a device that receives and displays numeric or alphanumeric messages |
UNIVERSAL_ACCESS_NUMBER | A single telephone number which can be used to route calls to multiple destinations depending on parameters such as time of day, where the caller resides, capacity or more. This is not linked to any specific locality within the country. Typically used by companies to provide a single telephone number instead of multiple telephone numbers |
PERSONAL_NUMBER | A telephone number intended to be used by individuals which may route to multiple locations (home, office and cell phone. Some PERSONAL_NUMBERs are charged at a PREMIUM number rate |
VOICEMAIL_ONLY | Access number for voicemail only |
UNKNOWN | Any number which does not fall into any of the above categories or where an INSUFFICIENT_CREDIT or INTERNAL_ERROR response has been entered into the error column |
Updated about 5 years ago