Batch Response Parameters

The following is a list of all the parameters provided in your batch results. This is what you will see in every column when you download your results CSV.

Default Columns

These are the default headers you will see in your results file. If you don't edit any of the headers expect to see the following in this order.

MSISDNThe number sent to the HLR for checking.
StatusExpect: Delivered, Undelivered or Rejected.
Error CodeExpect one of the following.


Each Error Code directly relates to an Error Text result listed below.
Error TextExpect one of the following:
• Live (0)
• Dead (1)
• Inconclusive (5)
• Insufficient Credit (7)
• No Teleservice Provisioned (11)
• Absent Subscriber (27)
• Number Not Supported (999)
A more detailed description can be found on the Error Text Descriptons Page.
Error Text Descriptions
Original NetworkThe name of the originating network.
Current NetworkThe name of the network the number currently belongs to.Only supplied on Live numbers.
MCCMNCThe MCC and MNC identify the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code and relates to the Current Network of the number.For Live numbers the current MCCMNC will be given. For Absent Subscribers / Dead / No Teleservice Provisioned and Inconclusive results the MCCMNC of the Original network will be given.
Original CountryCountry of the Original Network for this number.
Original Country PrefixThe Country Code of the location of the Original Network.You can details of Country Codes by using our Coverage Checker page.
Current CountryHome country of the Current Network for this number.Only supplied on Live numbers.
Current PrefixThe Country Code of the location of the Current Network.Only supplied on Live numbers.
Roaming CountryThe name of the country the number is roaming in.Only supplied on Live roaming numbers.
Roaming Country PrefixThe Country Code of the roaming country.Only supplied on Live roaming numbers.
Roaming Network PrefixThe prefix of the network the number is roaming on.Not currently provided.
Is RoamingWill indicate if the number is currently roaming outside of it's home location.
Mobile/LandlineFor numbers prefixed with 1 (one)
• Landline / Mobile / Pager/ VoIP or Unknown
All other country codes expect:
• Mobile
Date CheckedThe time and date the number was checked.

Optional Columns

You can add the following fields to your results files from your Account Settings. Scroll to the .CSV generation section to add or remove the fields you require.

Valid NumberExpect TRUE or BlankThis will only be populated with true if the number sent for checking is a valid number.
Is PortedExpect TRUE or FALSE.Not currently available.

You can determine if a number has been ported by comparing the Original Network and the Current Network.



Batch parameters are editable from your account settings from your Account Settings. Pick and choose the parameters you want to see in your results .CSV.