Live Status Descriptions
The live_status column in your results details the real time status of the checked number where it is available.
If the real time status is not available we will also detail this in this column.
The following is a list of all possible responses found in the live_status column and their meaning.
live_status | Meaning |
LIVE | This telephone number is live and is assigned to a subscriber who has recently used their telephone. |
DEAD | This telephone number has been confirmed to be a dead telephone number by the telephone network and will not receive telephone calls or text messages because the telephone number is not assigned to an existing SIM card or user. |
ABSENT_SUBSCRIBER | This telephone number is assigned to a mobile SIM card, but either: 1. There has been a prolonged period of inactivity from the mobile handset. 2. The mobile phone has been turned off, or gone out of radio coverage, and someone has attempted to call or send an SMS to the telephone number. 3. The number is allocated to a new SIM card and the SIM card has not yet been registered to a user. |
NO_TELESERVICE_PROVISIONED | The telephone number is assigned to a SIM card which is not allowed to make or receive telephone calls. Typically a “data only SIM”. |
NOT_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_ONLY | The telephone network who owns the telephone number does not provide Live/Dead type status, but will provide porting information if the telephone number has been ported to another network. |
NO_COVERAGE | We do not currently have coverage to detect the live status for this telephone network. |
NOT_APPLICABLE | Used if there is no detected telephone number. |
INCONCLUSIVE | We were currently unable to ascertain the status for this number. |
Updated over 5 years ago