Error Text Descriptions

The error_text field in your API result gives you information on the current status of the number you have checked.

The error_text wording directly relates to the error_code and status.

For example, anything marked as Live will always be error_code: 0 and Status: Delivered

All other Error Texts and Error Codes do not reflect a Live number and are therefore marked in the Status column as Undelivered

Error TextError CodeStatusDescriptionCredit Removed?
Live0DeliveredActive mobile number*Yes
Dead1UndeliveredNumber decommissioned by the owning network.Yes
Inconclusive5UndeliveredWe are unable to retrieve a response from the network for this number.Yes
No Credit7UndeliveredThe account had insufficient funds to process this request.No
No Teleservice Provisioned11UndeliveredThis number is not able to receive calls or SMS messages.
This is usually a number relating to a data SIM.
Absent Subscriber27UndeliveredPlease see the box below for a more detailed description.Yes
Number Not Supported999RejectedThis is an invalid number. Possible reasons include:
• The number does not contain a valid country code.
• The number does not contain a valid number range.
• The number is too long or too short


Absent Subscribers

This type of response means telephone number is assigned to a mobile SIM card, but either:

  1. There has been a prolonged period of inactivity from the mobile handset.

  2. The mobile phone has been turned off, or gone out of coverage, or is in airplane mode AND someone has attempted to call or send an SMS to the telephone number.

  3. The number is allocated to a new SIM card and the SIM card has not yet been registered to a user.

  • Alert

For some networks, only the MCC MNC information is available. In this instance all numbers checked belonging to one of these networks will be given a Delivered status

We advise all users to visit our Coverage Checker page before uploading numbers for processing.


North American numbers - Prefix 1

We'll identify if a number is a landline but for those numbers recognised as Landline then we are unable to give an accurate status for that number.
In this instance all landline numbers are given a an Error Text result of LIVE by default.